Enhanced Strategy Unveiled for Right Whale Protection Amidst Offshore Wind Expansion
Blue Technology

Enhanced Strategy Unveiled for Right Whale Protection Amidst Offshore Wind Expansion

In response to the escalating development of offshore wind projects, the federal government has introduced a comprehensive strategy to safeguard the critically endangered North Atlantic right whale. Released on Thursday, Jan. 25, by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) and NOAA Fisheries, the 78-page strategy outlines measures to assess and mitigate potential impacts on the whales and their habitat.
BLUE INNOVATION - Blue Ocean Gear's Smart Buoys are Changing the Game
Blue Technology

BLUE INNOVATION - Blue Ocean Gear's Smart Buoys are Changing the Game

Blue Ocean Gear made its inaugural journey to the Gulf Coast of Mississippi in 2022. Chief Business Officer Peter Macy eagerly accepted an exclusive preview invitation for the program. The Gulf Coast has long been a crucial hub of the blue economy, and Blue Ocean Gear is at the forefront, introducing intelligent sensors to fixed gear fisheries globally. Since joining the Gulf Blue Navigator pilot program, the California-based team has utilized industry connections to test their cutting-edge hardware with the University of Southern Mississippi's research vessel.